Our Girls...

Our Girls...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Greetings Everyone:
It has been a busy summer and went by way to fast! We had our third donation garage sale which went great and we are focusing on paying off the medical bills from the surgery to remove the cyst and saving for embryo adoption. It's going to take longer than we thought but one thing we know how to do is wait....
The surgery was so much more than we expected and we owe 5,000 out of pocket so it's going to take a little while to pay this off! I'm feeling back to normal and glad that part is over.

One step at a time by faith!!
We have been enjoying our horses this summer and we just bought a German Shepherd puppy 7 weeks old, she is fabulous and has transitioned to us and our home great! Sadly we had to put our 10 year old Shepherd down a week ago, he had gone completely lame and couldn't move around, they become such a part of the family and it was hard. Since we don't have children we come home and would play with our dog, we miss him daily but our new little friend has helped alot and provide's fun and entertainment!

We are still following all of your blog's and love to see the process and know we are not alone.

Have a blessed week,
David & Jody